An ISO 9001:2015 certified company
An ISO 9001:2015 certified company



SAR HEALTHLINE PRIVATE LIMITED is committed to conducting its business in a socially responsible manner, ensuring that our operations benefit both the company and society. Our CSR policy focuses on:

  • Healthcare : Promoting access to healthcare for underprivileged groups.
  • Supporting initiatives that improve the quality of life for marginalized communities.
  • Employee Engagement: Encouraging employee volunteering and community involvement.
  • Transparency and Accountability: Ensuring transparency in our CSR initiatives and reporting progress regularly.

We will allocate that money required from our annual profits towards CSR initiatives and ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


“At SAR HEALTHLINE PRIVATE LIMITED , we believe that businesses have a responsibility to give back to society and contribute to the well-being of the communities they operate in. Our CSR initiatives are guided by our core values of empathy, integrity, sustainability.”


"Our vision is to be a responsible corporate citizen, making a positive impact on society and the environment, while creating long-term value for our stakeholders."


"Our mission is to integrate social and environmental responsibilities into our business operations, ensuring a sustainable future for all. We aim to:

  • Improve the quality of life for marginalized communities.
  • Promote healthcare and environmental sustainability.
  • Support inclusive growth and community development.
  • Encourage employee volunteering and community engagement.

CSR Activities:

The under privileged section of our community is supported with the free contribution of medicines based on the detailed investigation and analysis of credentials by an independent group. The company exercises this activity by contributing to a dedicated and registered trust who has expertise and personnel strength including arrangements with pharma companies and outlets through which the medicine is disbursed to the needy public. The company also participates in the charitable activities of this trust to support hospitalisation expenses to eligible patients especially suffering from cancer.

CSR Expenditure:

Total CSR Expenditure: Amount spent on CSR activities in the financial years.

financial year Amount spent on CSR activities
2020-21 Rs.32,88,000/-
2021-22 Rs.31,05,000/-
2022-23 Rs.73,95,000/-
2023-24 Rs.1,10,00,000/-

All these expenditures were utilised for the Healthcare support as per the company policy.

CSR Committee:


  • Sunny Valiyaveetil Ephram- Managing Director
  • Anup Sreedharan- Marketing Director
  • Abdul Lathief- Chief Operating Officer
  • Manikandan K K – Chief Accounting Officer